First thoughts on Fake Dates and Mooncakes; Written by Sher Lee

The first time I saw this book in the library, it immediately caught my eye. I loved the cover art and decided to look at the summary. I read it and was disappointed since it didn't seem to have a very interesting or entertaining plot. I put it back and forgot about it for a couple of weeks. While scrounging for my next read, I found this title again and decided to finally pick it up and just read it. To my surprise, I actually enjoyed the first couple of chapters. Although the author didn't have that spark of masterful writing, it actually is interesting so far. The main character, Dylan, a chef in his family restaurant, aspires to win a mooncake contest in honor of his deceased mother. The restaurant is struggling financially, so Dylan has to deliver the food himself. He briefly meets a guy named Theo in a huge penthouse during one of his deliveries, when Theo’s friend is being a difficult customer. A couple of days later, Theo decides...