First thoughts on Fake Dates and Mooncakes; Written by Sher Lee

    The first time I saw this book in the library, it immediately caught my eye. I loved the cover art and decided to look at the summary. I read it and was disappointed since it didn't seem to have a very interesting or entertaining plot. I put it back and forgot about it for a couple of weeks. While scrounging for my next read, I found this title again and decided to finally pick it up and just read it. To my surprise, I actually enjoyed the first couple of chapters. Although the author didn't have that spark of masterful writing, it actually is interesting so far.

    The main character, Dylan, a chef in his family restaurant, aspires to win a mooncake contest in honor of his deceased mother. The restaurant is struggling financially, so Dylan has to deliver the food himself. He briefly meets a guy named Theo in a huge penthouse during one of his deliveries, when Theo’s friend is being a difficult customer. A couple of days later, Theo decides to apologize for his friend, and the two end up getting closer. When he finds out about Dylan’s financial situation, he donates 5,000 to help. This generous donation leaves Dylan feeling like he needs to repay him, and Theo asks him to be his fake date at a family party, and he agrees.

    I am actually enjoying how this storyline is going, but I know that anything can happen at this point, and can’t wait to see how it goes. I am already imagining the cute and awkward moments between Dylan and Theo. I am really hopeful for possible places the story can emerge from, and hope the author, Sher Lee doesn’t disappoint!

~Lucas Tosi~


  1. Hi lucas! Seems like a very interesting read. I agree with you--I really like the cover art. I'm curious though, what makes you think the author "didn't have that spark of masterful writing"? is it the word choice or the way the sentence is structured, or something else? Anyways, thanks for the recommendation, I'll add it on my list!

  2. Hey Lucas! I read this book over the summer, and while it was highly unrealistic, it was a really sweet and fun read. There are quite a few cute moments throughout the book, and it also incorporates a bit of Chinese culture into the story. I hope you enjoy it!

  3. I totally agree, the cover art caught my eye too and is what compelled me to click into your blog! So far the setup makes me think that there's probably going to be a kind of plot twist, or something in the way of Dylan and Theo's relationship. They seem to have pretty different lifestyles, considering that Dylan is having a pretty tough time and Theo is able to help him out so much, only asking for only a fake date in return. Do you think you will post another blog on this when you finish the book?

  4. Hello Lucas. When I first saw this title, the word Mooncakes sparked me (mostly because I'm just hungry in class...) But anyway, great blog! This book sounds like a sweet and fluffy book to read in bed after a long busy :DDD. I'd probably pick this book up sometime in the next couple of weeks to balance out my tired life during finals haha.

  5. i do agree that the cover art is very cute and based off of just the art too, it seems like a cute and lighthearted book. if it is really good, let me know and i will most likely check it out!!


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